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Philodendron Sodiroi Vs Mamei Houseplants? | Explore the Elegance

While looking for a decorative and striking houseplant, you cannot skip choosing a plant from the philodendron plant genus. But, there are lots of species available in the philodendron genus. And among them, the most popular types are P. sodiroi and P. mamei. So which one to choose?

Well, to help you make your selection easier, I am here with the best guide in philodendron sodiroi vs mamei. Although two of these species are well-groomed and beautiful for home decor, they still keep some geographical differences.

The P. sodiroi is a climber, while the P. mamei is a tropical plant creeper that creeps up trees and develops as ground cover. They have some similarities too, for instance, their leaf shape.

The leaves of these plants are heart-shaped with a gorgeous appearance. So, let’s explore all about the philodendron sodiroi vs mamei house plants.

Philodendron Sodiroi Vs Mamei: P. Sodiroi

In this section, I will discuss the growth rates, care, propagation method, and common problems of the philodendron sodiroi and mamei. So it will be easier for you to differentiate the P. sodiroi and mamei.

Philodendron Sodiroi: Growth

Growing Habits

P.sodiroi is an understory climber plant that originated in Colombia. It is usually available in the rainforest, which receives its required amount of light from taller trees.

This plant comes with an oval-shaped leaf with bold silvery spots. Its leaves become bigger as they begin to be matured. Not only that, the leaves start to get a heart shape and the silvery mark on them as long as they are mature plants.

Size and Growing Speed

The P. sodiroi is a fast-growing plant and can be tall from 4 to 6 feet tall indoors. But, it grows more if you want. In that case, you’ve to place it where it can climb adequately.


The leaves of sodiroi come into two different patterns when the plant is mature and once when it’s a baby plant. The leaves come in two sizes before the plant becomes mature. But, all its leaves get to shape and measure around 18 to 20″ long once the plant is matured.

The leaves become glossy with light green, but the underside veins remain reddish. It comes with different petioles that you can quickly identify.

On the other hand, the leaf stalk is almost round and warty, appearing pinkish or reddish. Later that color becomes green.


The stem of the P. sodiroi plant is green, where the top part is pink, and the lower nodes are brownish. The internodes of the branch of sodiroi plants will grow aerial roots. And these are the things to get you; how do you identify a philodendron Sodiroi?

Philodendron Sodiroi Care

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The Philodendron sodiroi will grow well in a place where the rate of humidity and warmth matches it. It requires a minimum 50% humid place with nearly 65 to 85°F warmth.

Also, you’ve to make sure of the bright and indirect light. However, let’s discuss in detail the P. sodiroi growing care step by step-

Potting Mix /Soil Mix

The pot must be well-drained and airy while using it for mixing. You must water the pot regularly so the soil doesn’t get dried on inches of potting mix top.

And, it is essential not to let the soil dry for your plant’s growth. Also, use a balanced fertilizer to allow the juvenile sodiroi to make its growth faster.

To make your soil mix more fertile, use the following-

  • Aroid Mix
  • Coco Coir
  • Perlite
  • Worm Castings
  • Peat Moss, or
  • Natural Compost


I already mentioned the minimum humidity percentage, which should be at least 50%. If the humidity level goes slightly lower, the plants will be adjusted. But, in the case of extremely low humidity levels, move your juvenile sodiroi to humid rooms. Or else your plant will die.

You can place it in your bathroom in terms of proper humidity as there’s a pebble tray available. If you haven’t that option to manage the standard humidity level, buy a humidifier.


The temperature rate should range from 18 to 29°C for optimum growth. It would help if you avoided a place with an extreme heat source.

USDA Hardiness Zone

The hardiness zone goes from 10 to 11, which is not frost-hardy. The sodiroi plants cannot survive if the place is freezing for a long time.


Sodiroi requires indirect light, but the plants will be alright with the medium indirect light. You’re not allowed to use direct sunlight as the means of light. With little light quality, you can use an extra glow with 1000 to 2000footcandles.


Keep watering your plant evenly if the soil mix on the 2 to 3″ top seems dry. Keep watering even if you test using a soil moisture meter and see the results go 3 or less than 3. Make sure the water can pass properly through the drainage holes.


Grooming is important to get a nice look at your plant. Select the damaged, dead, and diseased leaves and prune them. You can use gardening sterilized scissors for leaf pruning.

Also, you have to clean and wipe the dirty leaves to keep the soil surface dust-free. Cut and groom the stem in spring and summer, and it will control your plant’s growth.

Stake to Support

Let your plant climb over any climbing stake to get full support to grow. The trellis, moss pole, or totem can also be your choice for staking.


Use a 2″ to 3″ wide pot for the plant’s root growing in the pot. And, reporting or rootbound should be after 2 to 3 years.

Philodendron Sodiroi: Propagation

Two ways are available to propagate the P. sodiroi plants. One is to use the plant stem cutting through soil or water, and another one is to use air layering.

Choose a healthy stem with a minimum of one node if you use the first method to propagate your sodiroi plant. Ensure the nodes are available with leaves and aerial roots.

Remember, if you can propagate your plant in early summer or spring, it will root quickly in Seattle before the freezing months. So, your P. sodiroi propagation will be successful.

Philodendron Sodiroi Common Problems & Solution

Some common problems you can experience in terms of the P. sodiroi plants. Let’s see what these are-


The sodiroi plants can have some the bugs like spider mites and aphids. If you find such pests on your houseplant, you can easily prevent them using insecticidal soap, neem oil, or horticultural sprays.


The aroid comes with bacterial leaf marking or fungal, but it’s a rare disease for sodiroi plants. Prevent this disease with the help of sterilized equipment. Remember, you’ve to wash your hands with sanitizer before you go to hold the plants. Try isolating a new plant to make your way easier and faster.

Root Rot

Root rot is quite common in terms the P. Sodiroi plants. It happens due to overwatering that you can control yourself hassle-free. Ensure the potting mix has well drain holes, and you don’t overwater the plants. Cut if there are any rotten roots in your plant you find. It will increase root development.

Yellow Leaves/ Brown Leaves

Leaves become yellow due to overwatering, underwatering, nutritional deficiency, or low humidity. To solve this problem, you must keep the humidity level as mentioned above and control your watering pattern. It means you should stop giving too much heat, light, watering, etc.

Curly Leaves

If the plant’s leaves become curly, it means your plant is in soil moisture loss. The soil moisture loss happens again for overwatering, excessive light, root rot, and low humidity. So, prevent this curly problem as you know how to control these facts.

Wilting or Drooping

Drooping or wilting is when sodiroi plant cells cannot hold sufficient water. And, here also the reasons are as same as the leaves curly disease. So, the solution is in your hands.

Philodendron Sodiroi Vs Mamei: P. Mamei

philodendron mamei mature; Is philodendron Mamei rare?; How do you identify a philodendron Sodiroi?

The P. mamei plant belongs to the larger genus of the family Araceae. You will find it available in the Ecuadorian rainforest. The Araceae comes with more than five hundred species categories.

It is the most effective indoor plant that improves air quality by reducing formaldehyde. Although this plant is an air improver, it can cause some problems for your pets. This plant restrains oxalate crystals that are entirely toxic for pets.

And it can cause bowel and mouth irritation to your pet animals. Therefore, you’ve to be careful while growing this plant. Make sure the plant will not be around or nearby your pets.

Growing Care of P. Mamei

Soil Level

The potting soil that you use for P. mamei should be well-drained. Your mamei plant will grow nicely if the soil is loose and has rich potting soil. The loose potting soil works fine in all kinds of organic matter like mulching or composting in your garden.

If you think the soil isn’t that drainage quality, include peat moss, perlite, brick bits, orchid bark, coconut husk, etc. This added leftover will allow you to increase the drainage system of your potting soil.

Again you can use mixing sand and sterile compost while planting the Philodendron mamei outdoors to improve the plant’s soil drainage system. It will also make the soil capable of containing moisture.


Like the P. sodiroi, the P. mamei plant also requires an indirect light for its better growth. But, this plant requires 70 to 85% sunlight, and the required USDA hardiness zone for this plant comes between 9b and 11. In this case, you can put your plant nearby the east or west window where the sunlight comes smoothly.

But, if you want to grow the P. mamei plant outdoors, place it in a spot so it won’t get sunburned. You can be sure whether or not your plant is in the correct position in terms of sunlight. Wonder how? Keep an eye on the leaf of your plant; the leaves are rich green; they need more sunlight to produce chlorophyll.

At this point, you can place the plant under a big tree so that the tree’s large canopy can provide a cool shade. Besides, the mamei can easily creep up the large tree and keep continuing to grow and enhance your wild glory.


In terms of watering, you must keep the soil surface moist which requires watering once a week. Keep in mind that P. mamei plants are vulnerable to the most common problem like root rot. And root rot can lead to your plant’s death. Visit here to know about the treatment of root rot disease.

Although the mamei plants grow well through moisture, you’re not allowed to keep their roots sitting wet for a long time. In this case, your once-a-week watering procedure will help keep the soil moist for this plant.


The P. mamei grows well if the temperature range from 18° C to 27° C at 65° to 80° F right. since the minimum temperatures measurement is 65° F, your plant won’t survive if it’s below 55° F. Therefore, you have to be careful about the temperature availability.

However, the temperature measurement I discussed is about indoor planting. The outdoor temperatures should be at least 59° F and 86° F maximum. Don’t forget to change the indoor place of your plant in the winter as the place can frost.


The tropical plant P. mamei requires 60% humidity for its proper growth, while the sodiroi requires 50%. In this case, you must maintain 10% more humidity for P. mamei.

Although the high humidity will help it grow well, the P. mamei plant is well adjustable in the low humidity. 


You can fertilize your plant using a balanced liquid fertilizer that is entirely organic. Use the fertilizer every 4 to 6 weeks while it is springtime. The timing can be up to 3 to 6 weeks during summertime. Proper fertilization will help your plant to get its food and grow well.

Philodendron Mamei: Propagation

It’s easy to propagate the P. mamei plant through the stem cutting method. Stem cutting is the easiest and most popular method of home propagation of P. mamei. Let’s see how-

Way-1: Stem Cutting

  1.  Choose a robust vine from the bottom of the soil end.
  2. Take a minimum of four nodes that are available with roots from the soil.
  3. It will be better if the nodes are available with aerial roots, if not, will be alright.
  4. Use a pot of potting mix with perlite and sphagnum.
  5. Now keep the pot in a bright spot but not in direct sunlight.
  6. Carry on the soil moist for 1 to 2 weeks to allow the cutting to be established.
  7. Your propagation will be done!

Mamei: Problems and solutions

In terms of P. mamei, the diseases are almost the same as the disease of the P. sodiroi plant. But two additional problems can be seen while it is mamei. For example, the leaves become dark green and get dark scrap on the leaf surface.

The first problem happens due to poor lighting. At this point, you can solve the problem if you follow the mamei required lighting measurements. Never put your plant pot in direct sunlight. But, if the sunlight isn’t good, change the place.

And the second problem happens due to shallow temperatures. In that case, move the P. mamei to a warm place. And remove the dead leaves and keep your mamei plant clean. It will grow nicely.


1. Is philodendron Mamei rare?

Yes, the P. mamei is rare, but you can buy it from any online shop.

2. Is philodendron Mamei the same as Silver Cloud?

Well, the silver cloud is the nickname of P. mamei.

3. What is the most beautiful philodendron?

Philodendron Gloriosum is the most elegant and beautiful variety with silvery leaves you can choose for indoor gardening. It will increase your house’s gravity. 

4. Where can I buy a Philodendron Sodiroi?

Visit Etsy’s online shop to buy the P. sodiroi. Not only that, you can buy the P. mamei and all other philodendron mature plants from there.


Philodendron Sodiroi vs Mamei: Mamei is a great choice, especially if it’s your first time doing indoor gardening. This is because the Mamei is a tropical plant with extremely easy growing care.

But that doesn’t mean Sodiroi is inferior; it is also a great house plant for indoor decor. If you’re confident about its growing care, it will be glad if you go for it.

In need of more house plant options? Read my next article: Monstera Epipremnoides Vs Adansonii: Differences and Similarities

Picture of Robert Silver

Robert Silver

Robert Silver is a writer, speaker and certified master gardener who has been sharing his landscaping experiences through personal blogs. Taking it to the next level, Robert Silver has come up with this to shine a light on new planters and experts, discussing plants, landscape projects and much more. He has published numerous research articles on horticulture that have helped many people attain fruitful outcomes.