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Monstera Epipremnoides Vs Adansonii: Differences and Similarities

Are you thinking of adding a bit of extra beauty to your indoor garden? Monstera epipremnoides and adansonii are here for you, right! The monstera is one of the top elegant houseplants varieties for all plant lovers. There are several reasons behind this tremendous popularity of monstera, like its beautiful holy leaves, trouble-free growing natures, etc.

So, you can choose the monstera without confusion. However, the question is which types you should decide between monstera epipremnoides vs adansonii? Well, you can choose either the monsrera epopremnoides or adansonii based on your surroundings requirements.

Both of these houseplants are low-maintenance plants. But, still, these two monstera species come with a number of significant differences that you must consider for your house decor. Go through my article thoroughly to explore the detail of these two species.

Monstara Epipremnoides Vs Adansonii: Where Does Monstera Adansonii and Monstera Epipremnoides Originate?

Monstera Epipremnoides

Monstera epipremnoides is a kind of ornamental houseplant you can plant with a little arrangement and easily enhance your indoor beauty. This plant is a popular esthetics plant among beauty seekers worldwide because of its classy and smart display. The monstera epipremnoides esqueleto is one of the 114 genera of monstera.

This tropical vine is a climber with 13 to 20″ long holey leaves and a flat stem. The shapes of leaves can be either oblong-elliptic shapes or heart shapes. It is also recognized as the swiss cheese plant in terms of its leaf shapes.

Once you plant this beautiful houseplant indoor your house, your house will look amazing. Not only that, but the epipremnoides will also produce edible fruits and flowers that will you’re your joy twice.

Monstera Adansonii

The monstera adansonii is an indoor plant as same as the monstera epipremnoides. This plant originated from the jungle of Central America and South America and appeared on the market commercially in 2016.

You’ll love this excellent houseplant because of its beautiful look in hanging baskets. The leaves of this plant come with a frilly appearance and can climb more than 60ft in height.

However, the monstera adansonii is the species of monstera genre. People like to plant monstera adansonii due to its easy growing procedure. It is a flowering houseplant from the family Araceae monstera species.

Monstera Esqueleto Vs. Monstera Adansonii: What’s the Difference?

Here are some of the most significant factors that will help you determine the difference between monstera epipremnoides and adansonii. Let’s check out the differences-

⦿ Taxonomy

Usually, the word “taxonomy” can help you determine the scientific differences between plants based on their nature.

In this sense, the monstera esqueleto and monstera adansonii are of the same genre. But these plants grow with some different types and names. They have come with some of the differences that make them two different kinds.

⦿ Length of the leaf stalk

The leaf stalk of the monstera epipremnoides and adansonii come in quite different measurements. The monstera epipremnoides grow to 12″ to 20″ that go 30″ to 50″ in terms of CM.

The leaf stalk of the monstera adansonii, on the other hand, comes with a length from 8″ to 24″ in terms of 60 CM maximum.

⦿ Holes in the leaves

You’ll be surprised how nice the monstera adansonii appear with the holes in their green leaves. It will attract you so much to have them around your house. The holes in the monstera esqueleto and monster adansonii look so dazzling that they seem human-made.

Although both types come up with holes in their larger leaves, they still carry some differences in terms of these hole types. So here, the monstera epipremnoides come with large holes in their green leaves compared to the monster adansonii.

And the shapes of the leaves do not look the same; they are different on different leaves. For example, if one leaf of the epipremnoides is in one size, another will be in another different size.

The adansonii leaves, on the other hand, have holes in its leaves, but the hole sizes are pretty thin and the same, unlike the epipremnoides. The shape of the holes in adansonii leaves is like a flattened circle.

Now you may wonder why these genera of plants have holes in their green leaves, right? Well, the holes in both of these plants help them cope with the environmental extremes, for instance, strong airflow or heavy rainfall. As a result, these plants can flourish in the rainforest for a long time.

⦿ Size, color, and texture of leaves

Again, you can easily differentiate these two types of plants in terms of their leaf color. Both of these plants have green color in their leaves. But there’s a little difference, like the epipremnoides come with a light green color in their leaves while the color is dark green for the adansonii leaves.

If I share with you the size of both of these houseplants, the size of a monster epipremnoides looks a bit small than the monster adansonii. The monster adansonii comes 2 ft longer than the epipremnoides.

In terms of the leaves’ texture, the epipremnoides leaves appear with a very thick, furry, and leathery texture. But, the adansonii leaves won’t appear with the same texture as epipremnoides.

Leaves of adansonii are pretty smoother, delicate, and thicker in their texture which poles them apart from the epipremnoides species.

Monstera Epipremnoides Vs Adansonii: Similarities

It’s not that the monstera epipremnoides and adansonii come in dissimilarities all the way; both these monstera species also come in certain similarities. So, this part of my article will tell you what similarities you’ll get available between these plants.

And, it will help you distinguish the monstera epipremnoides from adansonii. Therefore, it will be easier for you to identify the perfect match for your houseplant gardening.

Here are three significant similarities to focus on-

⦿ Stem Formation

You’ll find these two plants alike in the means of their stem formation. These species have come with a long vine clung to by aerial roots. Both of them are green and thick in their structure, and the nodes of the plants are well spotted.

⦿ Root system

The monstera plants of both the epipremnoides and adansonii have a remarkable similarity regarding their root system. Both of these species belong to the aerial roots. For that reason, these houseplants get extra support in the air.

Because of their similar root system, you can choose any of them considering your surroundings. So, your houseplant can thrive and grow abundantly somewhere inside your house.

⦿ Petiole

The monstera epipremnoides and the adansonii have got their petiole quite similar. The shapes of their petiole are round and slender, which holds the foliage leaf blade perfectly.

The petiole of these two species comes in a similar length as well. Isn’t it pretty incredible? Also, the leaf stalk is almost the same for these two monstera houseplants.

monstera adansonii blanchetii; propagate monstera obliqua; should you prune monstera

Different Types of Monstera Adansonii

Usually, the monstera variety of adansonii has 4 main types with different appearances and benefits. let’s identify these types according to their class and nature-

⦿ Swiss cheese vine

The swiss cheese vine is the most classic type with glossy, mature, and large leaves. Here, you’ll get the leaves are available with tiny holes in them. But, the dark green comes up only while the leaves are matured. This monstera adansonii requires more indirect light to get more holes in its leaves.

⦿ Monstera adansonii variegata

It resembles the Variegata plant with the swiss cheese vine species. But, the only difference is found on its leaves. The leaves of the Variegata are stout with white stripes that make them different from the monstera adansonii swiss cheese vine.

This monstera species is quite rare to see because of its genetic mutation. And, because of its slow growth, you’ll have to buy this stunningly beautiful plant at a bit high price.

⦿ Monstera obliqua

The monstera oblique species are called the monstera adansonii large form
among all other monstera. However, identifying this rare species of monstera adansonii is so easy. You can make it out by following its large size holes in leaves. It has come with large size holes compared to all other classic adansonii.

The rarely available mode made the monstera oblique too expensive.

⦿ Monstera adansonii archipelago

It is another type of adansonii species that is remarkable for its amazing leaves color. This plant is available with the white color of half of its leaf, which is different from other plants.

Monstera Adansonii Care

If you’re confused about whether you should take the same level of care for all types of monstera adansonii, the answer is yes. All types of monstera adansonii require the same care for their well-growing. As long as you go through the following factors below, your plant will grow well-

⦿ Soil Type

You must use well-drained fresh soil to get a good result from your monstera adansonii plantation. Because the adansonii, goes dreadful if the soil type is constantly moist soil or soggy soil. Therefore well-drained soil is the top requirement so that the soil will never sit while over watering the plants.

⦿ Humidity

The monstera adansonii species belongs to the rainforest, so these species grow up properly if you can maintain a proper humidity level. Make sure the surroundings are well-humid so that the adansonii can grow bigger, stronger, and faster.

⦿ Sunlight

This multicolored monstera adansonii needs more sunlight to ensure the variegation. But, the excessive hot sun will be vulnerable to its light because of your plant sunburn.

Therefore, ensuring a standard amount of sunlight is necessary to grow your monstera adansonii. In this case, I recommend you put your plant away from a bright place, no matter what type.

monstera epipremnoides esqueleto; monstera esqueleto variegated; monstera laniata mature

Monstera Epipremnoides Care

Costa Rica is the place where the monstera epipremnoides originated from. So, it is the monstera plants that can thrive indoors well.

But, if you’re worried about the caring measurement of monstera epipremnoides, it’s quite trouble-free. Here is what you should consider-

⦿ Sunlight

The monstera epipremnoides grow in the rainforest, which requires indirect sunlight. If you plant it indoors, ensure the sunlight is bright but not direct. Because the natural sunlight comes with an extreme heat that spoils the plant’s leaves and stalks.

⦿ Soil Type

Both the pot and the soil type should have good drainage quality. Make sure the drainage holes come 3″ bigger than the root ball of the monstera esqueleto plant. I recommend you repot the soil every two years if you want your epi plant to grow upward.

Visit here to know how you can report ensuring a good monstera esqueleto care.

⦿ Watering Procedure

Unlike every other monstera genus, the monstera epipremnoides won’t require you to water them regularly. Instead, watering them once a week will be completely okay. But, here’s something to check out before you water your plant; for example, you’ve to observe the soil condition, whether wet or not.

If the soil condition is wet, you shouldn’t water the plant, no matter whether it’s more than one week after your last watering time. But if the top 40% of the soil is dry, keep watering.

Again, you can avoid this situation by using the pot with drainage holes or which has larger holes.

⦿ Humidity

The monstera epipremnoides grow well where the humidity level is high. No worries if your surroundings aren’t with a good level of humidity. In the case of low humidity, you can use a humidifier.

Another way to get humidity you can plant different types of your houseplants together. In this case, all these houseplants together will produce a humid microclimate.

And the monstera epipremnoides use this humid microclimate automatically to fill its humidity level. As a result, you can solve your humidity deficiency so easily.

⦿ Temperature

Your monstera epipremnoides can go through the temperature degree from 9b to 11 in the USDA hardiness zones. But, it’s the temperature measurement outdoor. If the temperature can range from 55°F to 80°F indoors, the epipremnoides will grow well.

Monstera Epipremnoides Vs Adansonii: Common Problems

There are quite some similar problems you can notice in terms of monstera epipremnoides vs adansonii. Since these two houseplants are of the same genus, their issues are also the same in most of the cases. Let’s check them out-

⦿ Leaves turn yellow

Leaves with holes of both the monstera epipremnoides and adansonii will become yellow if you put the plant pot in a highly sunny place. Too much sunlight can damage the leaves’ cells and let them turn into yellow color.

Here, you must place your plant pot in a place where the sunlight comes indirectly. However, if you find the leaves turn into yellow color and die afterward, remove the dead leaves from the house plant.

The excessive soil moisture is another solid reason for the monstera epipremnoides and adansonii leaves to be yellow. Your overwatering can make the soil soggy. So, ensure suitable drainage holes to remove the access water while needed.

⦿ Rotting roots

Once again, your overwatering becomes a problem with white substance around the roots. Overwatering stops getting enough airflow inside, which causes them to get the rotting roots. So, maintaining a perfect watering schedule can help you improve the houseplant root airflow.

You should salvage if there are any rotting roots, but if you find the roots are not repairable, trim them. It will create you to begin a new propagation for getting healthy soil again.

⦿ Leaves with brown edge sign

If you’ve dry-airflow inside your house, the leaves of your monstera houseplants will become brown on each of their edges.

The dry air can even make the soil arid. And that arid soil will make the plant leaves dry and brown. In this case, you must be alert while it’s time to water based on the soil conditions.

Where to Buy Monstera Adansonii Online

One major hassle is that the monstera epipremnoides and adansonii will not be available nearby your greenhouse or nursery shop always. For this reason, if you want to be any one of these monstera species, you must rely on the online-based shops.

But, no worries! I will share with you some of the most reliable sites where you can easily buy your monstera houseplants.

These sites are as reliable as you want. However, you can check out the California Tropicals; it is the most popular and well-sold site online, where plant lovers purchase their plants regularly. You’ll get this site available on amazon.

Another most trendy site for houseplants purchasing is Etsy. If you want to buy this amazing plant, you can buy it from Etsy, the most popular online site for plant buying purposes.

These two sites are my personal choice for houseplants buying. Not only the monstera epipremnoides or adansonii, but all other monstera species will be available there. So, why late?


1. Are monstera esqueleto and monstera adansonii same?

Not Exactly! The monstera epipremnoides and the monstera adansonii are of the same genre but two different types. The differences come in size, shape, color and texture, holes in leaves, growing habits, price, etc.

So, you might not be confused about how do you identify monstera epipremnoides, right?

2. How to prune monstera?

The facts below will make you happy if you’re wondering how to prune monstera? Because pruning monstera is completely trouble-free that requires no lengthy process or timing. Let me share some of the easiest steps so that you can do your pruning job easily.

  • Start deleting the dead leaves and prune them.
  • Cut the diseased or old leaves that seem to fall off soon.
  • Select the part from which you want to grow the plant and cut that part of the stem.
  • But, you must prune the top of the stem if you want your plant to be taller.
  • You’ll be done! But, choose the parts of your monstera wisely before you prune them as you intend your plant to grow.

3. Where can I buy a monstera epipremnoides?

Well, there are several trustworthy online shops where you can buy the monstera epipremnoides from. I have already mentioned two of the best online seller shops, Etsy and California Tropicals. Again if you want me to share some more references, you can visit peppyflora online shop or monstera mania. Each of these sellers will provide the plants with a reasonable price.

4. How to propagate monstera epipremnoides?

It is easy to propagate monstera epipremnoides like other tropical plants. Here are the three easiest ways how you can propagate your monstera epipremnoides-

a. Water propagation

Water propagation for monstera epipremnoides is one of the easiest ways you need clean water and a clean scissor. This method requires a place where the sunlight can come sensibly.

b. Potting medium propagation

This method is almost the same as the water propagation method. But, the medium potting propagation requires high humidity and a plastic bag.

c. Division

If you don’t want to go through such a lengthy process as water or potting medium propagation, the division method is right here for you. In the case of the division method, you need to identify the plant’s stem with its root and separate it. Please place it in another pot and keep watering. It will be done soon.


It’s often hard to choose between Monstera Epipremnoides vs Adansonii. Both these species are tremendously accepted due to their extraordinary features. These plants have glossy leaves that can quickly bring a highly-visual look to your house.

With the above thorough descriptions, you can decide which to pick between the two or even go with both. 

Would you like more houseplant options? Check out my next article: Philodendron Sodiroi Vs Mamei Houseplants? | Explore the Elegance

Picture of Robert Silver

Robert Silver

Robert Silver is a writer, speaker and certified master gardener who has been sharing his landscaping experiences through personal blogs. Taking it to the next level, Robert Silver has come up with this to shine a light on new planters and experts, discussing plants, landscape projects and much more. He has published numerous research articles on horticulture that have helped many people attain fruitful outcomes.